Together with TreeHouse Hope, we are able to provide the programming necessary for kids to thrive.

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When teens start believing what is true and possible, it changes everything.

Through grace-based programs and environments, we help teens learn to believe in their God-given value and worth, their capabilities, and their potential. Whether through mentorship, support groups, or off-site activities, we create safe environments where teens can be themselves and have fun.

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Truths We Want Every Teen to Believe:

  • I am lovable, capable & worthwhile.

  • I am loved without strings & never alone.

  • I have a future.

 TreeHouse Programs


Support Group

Support Group is a time when teens give voice to the struggles they’re facing and talk about what’s really going on in their lives. We start by hanging out, follow that with group time and a small lesson, then break into smaller support groups.

During these smaller support groups, teens check in with their group by saying their name, rating how their week is going, and naming at least three emotions they’ve felt over the past week. If they want to dive deeper into what caused those emotions, they’re given time to share with the group. This creates a space where teens feel safe sharing what’s going on in their lives and receive support from peers and adult leaders.

Most Support Groups include:

  • Transportation

  • Meal

  • Group Lesson

  • Support Groups


Connect is an opportunity to dig into the Bible and learn more about our God-given purpose. This program is designed to help teens develop the spiritual and personal life skills needed to grow into healthy young adults. Even though we’re talking about some deep subjects, Connect is also a time for teens to unwind and have fun.

Most Connect programs include:

  • Transportation

  • Meal

  • Group Lesson

  • Group Games


When a teen joins TreeHouse, they have the opportunity to get connected with an adult leader who establishes a mentoring relationship with them. For many teens, this is their favorite TreeHouse program, since they get dedicated one-on-one time with a safe, caring adult. Mentors serve as a consistent presence and a voice of love in a teen’s life.


We offer personalized coaching to help teens create an educational or vocational track for their future. Coaches mentor teens each step of the way—with assistance in applying to college or vocational school, money management and financial aid counseling, resume and interview prep, and much more.

Additional Programs


Growth Groups

TreeHouse staff pull together small groups of teens to focus on customized topic areas several times a year. We dig into a topic that’s relevant to the group members—like anger, self-harm, leadership, or forgiveness—and create a space for discussion and learning.


Trips & Activities

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Please join us on our journey to Break Every Chain.